Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Open ended letter to my future host

Dear host,

     I guess first I should take the time to thank you for reading even these words. My name as you may or may not know is Kyle, and what follows is the brief story of the upcoming adventure I am about to embark on - and what I hope it entails.
     About a few months ago I got the idea to travel to Paris. It came about as most great ideas do - suddenly and passionately. I had spoken with a co-worker of mine and as I often did lamented that between both full time jobs I didn't have enough time or energy to write. He mentioned a place in Paris called Shakespeare and Company, a world known and renowned bookstore that was in the habit of proving writers with a place to stay in the city while they write. The concept itself seemed so amazing that it spurred me to do a little bit of research into the subject matter. Aside from the knowledge that the likes of Ernest Hemingway and  James Joyce have spent time there I also discovered (after light correspondence) that indeed the shoppe houses writers on a tumble-weeding (first come, first serve) basis. My master scheme began to take shape.
     Within days of receiving confirmation of the policy/ies from S&Co. I firmly decided that I would take a trip to Paris. I began to consolidate my savings and figured that I would spend a month abroad to write and explore. The last time I traveled (to India in December) I had a brief layover in London and the remembrance of the 6 hours I spent there inspired the idea to stop in London for a few days before heading to Paris. So this is where I am now. And by booking with KLM I was able to fly into London (with a layover in NYC) and fly out of Paris. I will be in London for 5 days, arriving the morning of Friday, July 22nd, and leaving by train to Paris on the early morning of Wednesday, July 27th. The stay in Paris as it is planned is to be for 3 weeks, when I fly out to come home again. All I really want to do is write, and explore, and meet people, and speak different languages (Je parle Francais aussi, mais pas comme je parle l'Englais), and just experience what it is that I will experience. Really, I have no "must dos" aside from writing, and that I know will be more than accomplished. My hope upon arriving in Paris is to be able to stay at the bookstore. With the awareness that I am clearly not the first to have such an idea I began to do some research on how I could do such a trip if without the stay at the store.
     This brings me to you, future host. While on a sleeper class train traveling from Delhi to Mumbai I met a young woman (hopefully one of the two friends I will see while in NYC on my way) who had couch surfed her way through India. She ranted and raved about how positive the experiences had been, and that seed of a story began to grow as an actual possibility for my own trip. Not only would it be great to have a place to stay for a time, but coupled with having an acquaintance in the cities to show me the ropes (so to speak) would be an experience that I hope to have.
      I am a writer in search of the time to do so. I am incredibly neat and travel light (only a regular backpack). I also possess the rare ability to sleep in a variety of conditions, from through whaling sirens to on floors and a variety of furniture. I like ALL sorts of music (my current addictions include blue eyes meets big stuy and Edith Piaf; the only kind I avoid is sea shanty). I am also a reader. I find that the more I read the more I learn, and the more I am able to identify my own voice. But really it is always difficult to briefly accurately describe who one is, so I leave it that I am a laugher and a lover; I am a liver. If you want to know more about me the best would be to read my blog. It's a little fiction, a little life, and written for no one else but myself (so if it's a little boring, abrasive, or surprising you'll know why).
     I hope this letter explains a little as to what it is I am doing, and hopefully offers a slight insight into who I am as well. I hope this note finds you well, and perhaps we can share a laugh together in person

One love


1 comment:

  1. Sounds exactly like something I would have done when I was your age!!!! Some days I feel like running away from it all, too! What a neat idea - couch surfing -- just imagine all the interesting people you are going to meet.........and they will be even luckier to meet you, too!

    Love you more --- MoM

    P.S. You'd better dedicate your first book to me - just kidding - sort of :-)
