Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The epiphany in the snow blizzard

Today in Chicago was rough. In fact, the last two days have been almost most easily defined as mayhem. Snow if everywhere! But the good news - for me at least - is that this kind of absolute and intense weather is what I missed. The snow what one of the things (aside from those most important [people] ) that I truly missed having.

Even better yet the wait on the platform...

I'm happy to be back. And we should all be happy to see another glorious snow.

things going through my head right now: I'm so happy to be able to be writing again. I decided that my book, though it will still span 2 years, will be a collection of short stories. The tale will be constructed how it should be: by the reader. It will be The Epilogue. Our own imagination is the most powerful weapon of all.

But here's to the best snow day in years! I went out in a blizzard, came home in the snow. Got paid for responsibility and dived off a stairway. Today was a god day!


  1. Glad to see you blogging, K - missed you here! We got the same dump, but not quite as bad. Stay warm!

    A.L. xx

  2. I concer Kyle. I too love the snow. I went for a 2 hour walk today...refreshing! The best part is that for the first time ever I got to actually stay home on a "snow day".
    Happy trials.
    Aunty Paula

  3. This is a test - I haven't been able to post anything - something about my log-in has been deleted xoxo MoM

  4. Kyle - glad you're back to writing AND blogging! I certainly don't miss much about the winter and snow --- the one thing I do like is to walk out in the middle of the night during a snowfall and enjoy the quiet and calm.....and whiteness.

    Be well - stay warm - and remember Love you more!

    xox MoM

  5. AHHHH...sick picks in the snow!!!!
